Regression Data Analysis of How Factors Influence Opportunities for Employment Creation in China

Essivi Amehon, Akyene Tetteh


This article aims to explain through regression data analysis, how some factors such as political, social, cultural and economic factors impact graduates students from China to self-employ. Total of two hundred sixteen (216) graduates students from China express their different opinion through structured questionnaires. Questionnaires are structured according to Linkert scale framework where Items are rated from 1 to 5 (1~5, the higher is the score, the greater its affect). Respondents are pleased to tick "under the corresponding scores" with:  1= Not important 2= Not very important 3=generally important 4=Important 5=Very important. Dependents and independents variables are subjects to cronbatch test of reliability. Results shown that independent variables referred to as political, economic, social and cultural factors have deep impact on opportunity for entrepreneurship in term of employment creation in China. We found that China focuses on economic strengths to influence opportunities for employment creation.  Moreover, the value of Cronbach’s alpha reliability test for data collected among graduate’s students from China is 0,770. Friedman’s chi-square analysis of variance is significant at a p = 0.000. Therefore, variables are significant and consistent for regression analysis.


Employment Creation; Entrepreneurship; Employment Opportunity; Factors; Carrier Objective; Career Planning.

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