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Gadain, Hassan Eltayeb, King saud university, college of science (Saudi Arabia)
Gadallah, Musa Rahama, king saud university (Saudi Arabia)
Gao, Yingying, Chengdu University, Chengdu, 610106, (China)
Gao, Yiteng, Hunan Institute of Humanities, Science and Technology, LOudi City, Hunan 417000 (China)
García-Santillán, Arturo, Universidad Cristóbal Colón, Veracruz (Mexico)
García-Santillán, Arturo (Mexico)
García-Zárate, Enrique, MBA student at UCC Business School Universidad Cristóbal Colón. Veracruz, México (Mexico)
Gebreanenya, Haftom, College of Natural and Computational Sciences Adigrat University, Adigrat (Ethiopia)
Gjini, Nertila, Deparment of Mathematics, University of New York Tirana. (Albania)
Gjini, Nertila, University of New York Tirana. (Albania)
Gobar, Mohammed E.M., Faculty of Science and Arts, Buljurashi, Al.Baha University (Saudi Arabia)
Golinski, Michael R., 2719 Raintree Dr. U10 Ft. Collins, CO 80526 (United States)
Golinski, Michael R., 4000 La Carrera apt 1223 Santa Fe, NM. 87507 (United States)
Gorfie, Eshetu Haile, Osmania University, Department of Mathematics, Hyderabad, India (Ethiopia)
Gorlova, Nadezhda Yevgenyevna, Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Russian Federation)
Gouda, Y. Gh., Aswan University, faculty of science, Aswan (Egypt)
Guerra-Castro, Mayra, MBA student at UCC Business School Universidad Cristóbal Colón. Veracruz, México (Mexico)
Gupta, Nivedita, HBTI, Kanpur (India)
Gupta, Rashmi, Oriental College of Technology, Bhopal (India)
Gupta, Savita (India)
Gupta, Vijay Kumar, UIT, RGPV, Bhopal
Guzmán, Paulo M., UNNE, FaCENA, Av. Libertad 5450, (3400) Corrientes, (Argentina)

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