Role Model of the Christian Evangelical Church in Minahasa (GMIM) in Community Empowerment through Chruch-Owned Enterprise
This study aimed to identify the factors supporting the economic development of the people of the church and build a proper model of how the church can contribute more in order to develop the economy of the people of the church through the establishment of a business organization, a church-owned enterprises that can empower businesses owned by members of the church. The high economic growth achieved by the local government of North Sulawesi in 2013 that is equal to 7.45%, with a nominal value of Rp. 53.4 trillion should have been able to deliver community of North Sulawesi Economy leads to a better level. However, the opposite happened. The poverty rate in North Sulawesi rose up from the September 2012 stood at 7.64% or 177.54 thousand souls be in by 8.50% or 200.16 thousand at September 2013. On the other hand, can not be denied is still pretty much found the church's role in the economic life of the congregation was limited to rhetoric alone. Church stuck on the activities that are ceremonial so practical activities undertaken as a concrete manifestation in the middle of church members and the community as a form of church services still felt very minimal. Participation and involvement of the Church in building the economy and living standards towards developing a prosperous life still need to be improved in concrete actions in daily congregational life. For this reason it is necessary to build a new paradigm regarding the direction and purpose of the church ministry as an affirmation of the Three Church Task were Marturia (Fellowship), Koinonia (Testimony), and Diakonia (Service). With the paradigm of the reformative and transformative deacon then to enlarge the welfare of the Christian Evangelical Church in Minahasa (GMIM) development will be supported by economic development factors based church people, especially small businesses and medium enterprises (SMEs), among others: 1) GMIM’s role; 2) the employer; 3) credit institutions; 4) SME entrepreneurs; 5) relevant agencies; and 6) Church-Owned Enterprises (BUMJ). From here can be produced Role models of the Christian Evangelical Church in Minahasa (GMIM) in Community Empowerment through Church-owned enterprises.
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